Marta Chilindrón
(Uruguayan, based in New York, b. 1951)
Mobius Houston, 2019
Acrylic, 11 x 22 ft.
October 2019 – July 2020
Mobius Houston, by the New York-based Uruguayan artist Marta Chilindrón (b. 1951), was the first temporary public art project commissioned by Public Art UHS through its Grove Commissions initiative. Building on the South American tradition of geometric abstraction and Concrete art, Mobius Houston explored ideas on the infinite, perception, and transformation on an experimental, large scale. Almost four times the size of earlier works in Chilindrón’s Mobius series, Mobius Houston introduced significant advances in materials and production.
University of Houston
Wilhelmina’s Grove
Teleidoscope Binoculars | Virtual Public Art Studio
Teleidoscopes are just like Kaleidoscopes but they are open ended allowing the viewer to see the world in a fantastic array of patterns and shapes. Public Art Studio goers will have the chance to experience their home in a completely fun and new way. Go check out your world with new eyes.