The Art Guys Resources
The inscription along the stone backdrop for irreverent sculptural installation Statue of Four Lies (2010) by The Art Guys (Michael Galbreth, 1953-2019 and Jack Massing, b. 1959), commissioned by Public Art UHS for the University of Houston, reads: Mundus vult decipi ergo decipatur (“the world wants to be deceived, so let it be deceived”). Based in Houston, The Art Guys used “humor and everyday materials as a way to demystify art in an attempt to welcome a broad range of audiences into the discourse of contemporary art.” Yet, a deep intellectual process was at the core of this conceptual art duo’s work in a variety of media.
The Art Guys Records at the University of Houston Libraries Special Collections provide insights into their performance art, drawing, installation, and video works. They date from the 1980s to present and include their paper and digital business records, publicity material, and exhibition invitations. The collection also includes the Codex of the Statue of Four Lies, an indivisible component of the artwork.